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2018-10-24 SB mtg. withAdv.Cmte.
Town of Princeton, Mass., Selectboard Meeting Minutes
– October 24, 2018 – 6 PM – Town Hall Annex
Present:  Edith Morgan, Karen Cruise and TA Nina Nazarian. Richard Bisk was absent. Advisory Committee members present: Wayne Adams, Judy Dino, and Mary Jo Wojtusik.

6:12 PM  Edie opened the meeting.

Joint Meeting with the Advisory Committee regarding FY20 Budget Process/Guidelines – Group discussed ways to approach the FY’20 budget process. It was stated that without a top-down document or guidance, the Advisory Committee feels that there would not much merit for them to be involved, instead it would be better for them to get involved after budgets were submitted. Methods raised to approach budget guidance included a cap or total taxation goal, level service (which has at least been used in the last few years), or level funded. Several budget related items were raised during the discussion:

  • The Advisory Committee mentioned an interest to review the most recent Schedule A report which is submitted to the Division of Local Services. Nina indicated that the Schedule A report is just beginning to be processed for FY’18 and is not available, however the FY’17 information is available.
  • Questions about ambulance revenue were raised. Nina explained that the revenue collected was placed into a special account and ultimately used to offset the costs for ambulance service. In communities with contracted services, the town’s pay for a portion of the service as well.
  • The group discussed the subject of the insurance budget and the evaluation of insurance options, which will be undertaken by a joint effort between the Advisory Committee and the Town Administrator through the Treasurer/Collector.
  • The group discussed the financial policies and budget calendar which the Advisory Committee has agreed to draft. The Selectboard and TA clarified that the policies would be goals and guidance for things such as what percentage of free cash should be proposed for transfer to stabilization.
  • The Selectboard and TA are working towards contracting with the Collins Center for a 5-year capital plan.
  • Nina suggested that the town look at a compensated absences fund to address any earned vacation or sick time payouts when employees separate or retire from the town.
After further discussion about the different budget guidance options, it was agreed that a level funding approach would be provided as guidance to departments as an exercise to understand what impacts it would have. The level funding parameter would be for the bottom line of each department.

ACTION: On a motion by Edie, second by Karen the Selectboard voted 2-0-0 to set the FY’20 budget guidance to departments as level funding for the bottom line of the department.

Further discussion regarding the need to identify FY’20 salary line items was raised, in order to fully meet the intent of the above exercise and allow the TA and the boards to evaluate departmental needs.

ACTION: On a motion by Edie, second by Karen the Selectboard voted 2-0-0 to withdraw the motion to set the FY’20 budget guidance to departments as level funding for the bottom line of the department, until Executive Session discussions are undertaken to identify guidance for salary line items.

The Selectboard agreed to begin the salary discussion at their October 30th meeting.

8:01 PM   Advisory Committee members Wayne Adams, Judy Dino, and Mary Jo Wojtusik left the meeting.

8:03 PM   Sale of Town Owned Land, Appoint a Tax Title Custodian – Nina recommended that the Selectboard appoint the Treasurer/Collector as the Tax Title Custodian.

ACTION: On a motion by Edie, second by Karen the Selectboard voted 2-0-0 to appoint the Treasurer/Collector as the Tax Title Custodian.

8:04 PM  Annex & Public Safety Improvements Project, Authorize Town Administrator to Sign Design Contract – Nina explained that after a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for design firms was sent out, the Town received 6 responses to the RFQ.  The RFQs were ranked in accordance with the Town’s designer selection procedures. Dixon Salo Architects, Inc. (DSA) was ranked as the most advantageous proposal, therefore the Town began negotiations with DSA. After reviewing their original proposal for a total design fee of $59,900, the Town requested that DSA reduce its proposed fee, which DSA agreed to do, proposing a new total design fee of $53,910. The design fee will be partially paid using the $50,000 earmark grant from the state and the authorizations from the May 2018 Annual Town Meeting articles for the Annex and Public Safety Stabilization projects.

ACTION: On a motion by Karen, second by Edie the Selectboard voted 2-0-0 to authorize the Town Administrator to sign a contract with Dixon Salo Architects, Inc.

8:07 PM  Fire Truck Purchase, Authorize Town Administrator to Sign Contract – Nina explained that the Fire Chief has identified a new pumper-tanker truck for a purchase price of $264,800 which will suit the department/town needs. This purchase will be made through the $600,000 authorization from the May 2018 Annual Town Meeting. The borrowing (or lease) paperwork will need to be executed at a later date.

ACTION: On a motion by Edie, second by Karen the Selectboard voted 2-0-0 to appoint/authorize the Town Administrator to sign the contract with Deep South Fire Trucks, Inc.

Meeting Adjourned  8:07 PM

Respectfully submitted, Nina Nazarian, Town Administrator

S.B. Referenced Documents:  Design contract for Annex & Public Safety Improvements; designer selection procedures; and contract for fire truck purchase.